

生活可能是一段不可预测的旅程. Whatever your reason for leaving, we can't wait to welcome you back to Loyola. The process is simple, so let's reconnect so you can pick up where we left off.


You will need to apply for undergraduate re-admission if you:

  • 以前入学的学生是否正在攻读学位 that withdrew from Loyola or withdrew and transferred to another college or university.
  • Have not been enrolled at MG游戏官方网站 for 12 consecutive months 学期结束后出席.
    • Example: You last attended Loyola in the spring 2019 semester and did not enroll by the spring 2020 semester
  • 是否曾被停学 or Disciplinary Suspension with a cumulative Loyola GPA below 2.0.
  • 在洛约拉获得了第一个学位 我想回到第二阶段. Second degree seeking students cannot apply to earn a degree that is the same as their first without permission from their college.


  • 你是正式请假的,通过学生档案办公室办理.
  • 你离开洛约拉是因为药物戒断, return to Loyola within a year, and have a GPA above a 2.0或更高. You will qualify for re-entry via a retroactive leave of absence through the 学生档案办公室.
  • 你希望在2个学期(一整年)内返回 of when you were previously enrolled and left Loyola in good academic standing (a GPA of 2.0或更高). You will qualify for re-entry via a retroactive leave of absence through the office of 学生记录.

You are NOT considered a re-admit if you have been admitted to Loyola but did not attend, or dropped early enough in the semester that your transcipt does not show course titles or grades including W's.

注意: All re-admit students are former degree-seeking undergraduate students of MG游戏官方网站. If you have never been an undergraduate student seeking a gree (visiting or early scholar), 你将不会被重新录取. You should apply for undergraduate admission as a new student instead. If you are applying as a post-baccalaureate or graduate student, please visit the 研究生招生网站.


  1. 完成 洛约拉重新录取申请. If you were previously enrolled at Loyola any time before 2015, 您必须创建一个帐户作为第一次使用.
  2. Submit an official transcript from each institution you have attended since leaving MG游戏官方网站. 成绩单可以电子发送到admit@loyno.或邮寄至:MG游戏官方网站,6363 St. 查尔斯大街.新奥尔良,LA 70118, 18号招生信箱



  1. 完成 洛约拉重新录取申请. If you were previously enrolled at Loyola any time before 2015, 您必须创建一个帐户作为第一次使用.
  2. Submit an official transcript from each institution you have attended since leaving MG游戏官方网站. 成绩单可以电子发送到admit@loyno.或邮寄至:MG游戏官方网站,6363 St. 查尔斯大街.新奥尔良,LA 70118, 18号招生信箱
  3. 完成重新录取面试.
    1. Please note: It is required that all probationary re-admits be fully registered for courses before the first day of class for the semester. 因此, 平均成绩低于2分的洛约拉学生.0 must apply for re-admission no later than July 21 for the fall semester and before December 15 if applying for the spring term. If re-admit applications are not submitted by these dates, we cannot guarantee that the interview can be scheduled in time before the start of the semester and the student will have to re-apply for the following semester. 没有例外.

一旦申请提交, you will be contacted about conducting a Re-Admit Interview with the 招生 Committee. The 招生 Committee is comprised of a representative from the Office of 招生, the Director of 金融援助 and the Associate Dean of the College of your major when you left Loyola.

The interview can be conducted either in person on campus, 通过电话会议或在线问卷. The interview is a chance for you to plead your case to the Committee about your desire to return to Loyola, explain what you have been doing since you were last enrolled, and reveal your plan to do differently if you are allowed to return. 除了为你的案子辩护, you will have the opportunity to as questions regarding your status with the university as it pertains to academics and financial aid.


  • If you want to return to Loyola for the summer, you need to re-apply for the fall term. 如果你被秋季录取的话, you can state in the summer by notifying 招生 of your desire to enroll in the first or second summer session.
  • Any approved fall re-admit applications will have the opportunity to register for first and/or second summer sessions


No application will be considered for any student with an outstanding financial balance owed to Loyola, or who has an active registration hold on his/her/their record. Once your application is submitted, you will be notified if there is a hold on your account. It is then up to the applicant to see that the hold is lifted and also that the Office of 招生 is notified that the hold is lifted so that the application can be reviewed for admission. NO decision will be made on holds that have not been removed by the start of the semester.


A student's scholarship and financial status at the time the student withdrew, 或者被大学退学, remains in effect at the time of applying for re-admission. Re-admission to the university is distinct and separate from financial aid eligibility and review. If you are applying for re-admission and want to be considered for financial aid, it is important that you have an updated FASFA that is submitted to Loyola. 如果承认, students will be notified of any additional steps to qualify for financial aid (such as submitted an appeal for financial aid).





电话: 504-865-3337




电话: 504-865-3333




电话: 504-865-3237




电话: 504-865-3428, 504-865-3835




电话: 504-865-2990
